Disclaimer: Always check the dates of any posts online that are about JURA coffee machines. Websites do their best to stay current with the information they provide. Sometimes, things fall through the cracks! Always refer to a brand’s official website to double-check what is currently available to you! Founded in 1931, JURA has been an…
5 Top Trends To Improve Your Backyard
Making improvements to your property can help to express yourself and beautify your home. When you’ve finished decorating the inside of your property, it’s important not to forget about your garden. To help you enhance your garden, it’s helpful to read about some of the latest trends. Here are 5 Top Trends To Improve Your…
Turn Your Home Office Into A Productive Powerhouse
It’s tough to find something positive about a global tragedy such as the pandemic. However, COVID-19 has been instrumental in transforming the workplace. During the first months of the pandemic, millions of employees worldwide have relocated to work safely from home. The temporary, improvised home office has evolved gradually. Nowadays, many employers appreciate that remote…
The Essentials You Cannot Miss On Moving Day
At some point in everyone’s lives, we’re going to be confronted with having to do one of the top five most stressful things that any family can do – moving home. It is so stressful in fact, that it’s right up there with death, divorce, taxes, and getting a new job. Several guides will help…
Top 10 Hairstyles for Women from 2021
Your Guide to Refreshing Your Look One thing we can say about 2021, is that it was an interesting year in beauty and fashion trends. We’re spending more time focusing on ourselves and investing in trends that make us happy. If you’re ready to hop on the “self-care wagon”, then take a look at these…
The AI Chatbot: A Must-Have for Business
Have you ever been surfing the web, and suddenly a message pops up? Maybe it’s asking if you’ve found everything you’re looking for on the site. Or, maybe you’re about to close a window, and it’s asking if you’re sure you meant to exit the page. Phew! You were about to leave the site without…
5 Ways to Enhance a Home Office Setup
It goes without saying; COVID has been a major factor in how our world has changed over the past couple of years. These changes are seen in several areas of our lives. From our kids going to school and how they take part in extra-curricular activities, to how and where we are able to work. …
How to Clean and Organize Your Kitchen For the Best Results
When you think about the kitchen, what comes to mind? Cooking and eating delicious food? Family gatherings? A place where your friends can come over and chat? That sounds about right. Unfortunately, for many people today, the kitchen is also a place of stress. Let’s be honest, do you regularly organize your kitchen? Do you…