Who doesn’t love a good fajita? With help from The Real Food Dietitians, I made cauliflower the highlight of this fajita dish. I love this sheet pan fajita bowls recipe because you get the delicious taste of a fajita without the need for tortillas. I love deconstructing most meals and rice bowls are simply delicious….
Banana and Nutella Brownies Recipe
I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of making Banana and Nutella brownies before. I’m the type of person who loves banana flavor but dislikes eating actual bananas. There’s just something about their texture that I don’t especially like. However, because of this texture, they are perfect to use in baking. I’ve made banana bread…
Granola Fruit Cups Recipe
I’m not a big breakfast eater. Before you begin the “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” spiel, I do understand how important breakfast is. This is why I’ve been trying different recipes to make eating breakfast more fun. I want to look forward to eating breakfast, and not feel like I’m forcing…
When Should You Replace Your Flooring?
A recent study published on Statista revealed that nearly half of the respondents planned to spend up to CAD $10,000 on home renovations in 2021 alone. Home renovations are essential; they enhance your home’s comfort, style, functionality, and safety. Your home’s floors go through a lot, and it is no secret, or surprise, that they…
Trending: The Boom of Quartz Countertops
Recently, I posted an article about the most popular kitchen countertops of 2022. Let’s just say, it made me look at my countertops differently. It’s hard not to want a full kitchen makeover! Among the list of popular countertops I discussed, are quartz countertops. They are quickly becoming one of the most requested features of…
Choosing the Perfect Home for Entertaining
Are you a fan of get-togethers and dinner parties? Do you enjoy the feeling of a home full of life? Then don’t settle for anything less than a home that meets your requirements for entertaining. Whether you’re looking to rent or buy a new home with entertainment on your mind, here are some of the…
Garlic Shrimp with Arugula Recipe
As I’ve been trying to cook and eat healthier, I’ve been looking for more balance in my meals. While there is cream cheese used in this dish, there are also tomatoes and arugula. This makes me feel far less guilty about consuming cream cheese. I also make a point of always using light/low-fat cream cheese,…
Strike While The Iron Is Hot With Your Home Changes
Are you in the process of selling your home? Or, maybe you’re still only thinking about selling your home. In any case, there can be a lot of planning and preparation that goes into selling your property. From home changes to which realtor you use, it can be overwhelming. Just remember to take it one…