I can’t believe that the next few days will be my final days of being pregnant. Soon, I will go from “Mom-to-be” to “Mommy”.
Currently, I am 40 weeks and 6 days pregnant. This past Tuesday, I had what will be my final OB appointment. I was unsure as to what to expect for this appointment since I had officially gone past my due date. Bringing my hospital bags with me seemed like a good idea, just in case. I was hoping that I would get an internal exam done to see if there had been any progress at all. Or, at least have a talk about doing a membrane sweep. Luckily, all of this DID happen.
Since Liam’s Dad works during the day, he has unfortunately been unable to attend most of my appointments. I am very lucky to have parents willing to bring me to them and sometimes stay with me during my appointment. My appointments were usually at 1:30 PM. This appointment was not pre-scheduled (they don’t schedule them after your estimated due date). Therefore, the only time available was later on in the afternoon at 3:10 PM.
The change of seasons also brought new colds and apparently there is a virus going around. We were called into the office about an hour late due to how busy the doctors were with other patients. Having my Mom with me to talk to definitely helped the time pass.
The Usual Routine…
Once we were called in, the usual routine was done. My blood pressure was checked (I have been lucky and my blood pressure has always been fine). Then, they checked Liam’s position. As the resident went to check, Liam started being quite active. He made his appearance very clear to the naked eye. The resident laughed and said “Oh Hello There!” since the ridge of Liam’s foot was kicking outwards.
Liam still has his head down but the placement of his head showed that he is still quite far up. My hopes of there being any progress diminished a bit. We were also able to listen to his heartbeat, which is always a pleasure.
During this time, my Dr told me that if nothing happens during the week, then I will have an ultrasound done this coming Friday. The ultrasound will be to check the amniotic fluid, the blood flow of the umbilical cord, etc. If everything seems okay, and there is no risk to the baby, then I will have a couple more days of being pregnant. Then, I will be induced on Monday; a Thanksgiving baby!
This all began to whirl around my head and the shock was settling in quite quickly that this is very real. Next week, we will finally be meeting our little man.
Membrane Sweep
We spoke about doing a membrane sweep. A membrane sweep is when the Dr simply “sweeps” a finger around the cervix (neck of a womb). The aim is to separate the membranes around the baby from the Mother’s cervix. This releases hormones called prostaglandins, which help kick-start labor.
I was going back and forth as to whether or not I wanted a sweep done.
“Well, this may be my only pregnancy so I may as well experience all that I can during it. Let’s do it!” My Dr laughed while saying, “Well, that’s one way of looking at it.”
Internal Exam Time!
Now, I will say that from doing research and reading articles on other sites, blogs and forums, I know this experience is not enjoyable. It can even be quite painful. I was expecting the worst. The resident asked if it was alright that she, along with my Doctor would check me. The hospital I am with is a teaching hospital and I absolutely love both my Doctor and the resident. Happily, I said yes.
With my hospital gown now on, the resident did the exam. I wasn’t feeling nervous, but my body knew more than I was allowing my emotions to admit. My leg did not stop shaking. I kept apologizing. It was all just a bit embarrassing, but they were very nice about it.
Honestly, I didn’t feel anything for quite a while. Then, she said, “He is definitely still way up there, that’s for sure. I don’t feel any dilation or effacement, but your cervix is very soft.”
I won’t lie- it was disappointing. I felt my heart fall just a little bit. All I could do was chuckle and say, “Well, I guess he really doesn’t want to leave yet.” Then my doctor had her turn. Pausing before beginning, just long enough to warn me that she is not as delicate as the resident. This made me hold my breath a bit, but there was nothing to worry about. This is when the news changed.
“You’re actually 3cm dilated and 50% effaced.”
I’m sorry…WHAT?! Am I hearing her right?! I then proceed to say “Holy Crap” about three times. I feel embarrassed about that later on but give me a break! I go from having no progress to finding out I am already 3cm dilated. You can even see my disbelief in this photo.
My doctor then starts the membrane sweep and it isn’t bad at all. I actually remember enjoying it, as though my body was welcoming any help at all to get the process going. It lasts for only a minute. For me, personally, it only hurts a bit toward the end. My doctor describes it as the feeling of when separating the skin from raw chicken. It is a surprisingly good way of describing it.
To me, the only comparison I can make is when you are juicing an orange or grapefruit. Simply, because of the twisting motion. Ladies, if you get this done, bring a pad or at least a pantyliner with you. You will probably bleed a bit and that may continue for at least a day.
“Do you have any questions?”
Hmm, I don’t think so?
They put me at a 7 on the Bishop’s Score, station -2. This is marked down on an induction sheet, that is then faxed to the appropriate department for when I come to be admitted for delivery. I am also given the number to call to set up the ultrasound. I’m only to call if I don’t get a call from them by Friday at 6.
We say our goodbyes by saying that the next time we see each other, I will have a baby with me.
Hopefully, the hospital will call me during the day on Friday. I rather do that than have to go there later on in the evening for the ultrasound. We shall see!
Forever grateful for my Doctor…
This can’t be said enough; I could not have been given a better Doctor. The gratitude I feel for having this whole experience is unparalleled. It is so strange to think that I may not have my Doctor be the one to deliver Liam. I know the chances are very slim to get your Dr as the one who delivers your baby. After months of getting to know your Dr so well, and going through so many things with them… it just doesn’t feel right to not have them there for the birth.
I told my Dr this so she knows how much I love her. She said it is very strange and hard to handle sometimes but that she will only be on call on Sunday. I told her that maybe Liam is going to wait so he knows he will be seeing her when he arrives.
Since this appointment,
my tummy feels as though it is tightening more and more. I always know when I am about to have a contraction or that I am having one because I experience a heatwave. It’s similar to when you have a fever and your cheeks feel permanently flushed. They aren’t coming in regular intervals yet but they are becoming more frequent.
I am unsure if the membrane sweep did anything; there is no promise that it will work. Although, I am glad that it is done and I can add it to my list of life experiences. Now, it is just a matter of time. I am still going on walks to encourage movement, and I am taking it easy to preserve energy for when I will need it the most. Mostly, I’m hoping gravity will do its job (I’m only partially kidding).
That’s all the news for now!
I just want to get this all written down so I don’t forget anything. Just in case something happens without warning.
The next time I write, I will probably have my little Liam sleeping beside me. I can’t believe it. Have I been saying, “I can’t believe it”, a lot?
Who knows if I will go into labor naturally in the next four days? Regardless, Monday is not far away now!
Happy Early Thanksgiving, Everyone (to my Canadian readers at least)! I know it will be one I won’t forget and I hope it is the same for you.
Good luck. Get as much sleep as you can in the next few hours/ days! Wishing you a happy, intervention free labour. Looking forward to your next post. X
Wow!! You’re on the final stretch! I had my Ella ( 2 months ago today) at 40 weeks 6 days :). I did all my dilating at once and it was a 16 hours start to finish labor – wishing you a healthy delivery! I haven’t been on here much at all to write and I need to, the memories do fade quickly. Enjoy these last few days or hours before Liam’s arrival ❤️
Aw, thank you so much! I am sure the past two months have gone by super quickly for you! <3 All my love to you and Ella!
It’s been fun to read about your pregnancy and to see the differences between yours and my own. I still feel a little cheated out towards the end since I had to have an emergency induction due to HELLP syndrome. I had wanted to go into labor naturally but eh, what can you do. Hope everything ends up going well without complications and that your baby is healthy and happy! Good luck, you got this!