Looking to get a nice new kitchen installed this year? It’s one of the best upgrades you’ll ever make to your home. Not only does it increase the value but it’s practical too. Here’s what you need to consider.
Increase the Space you Have
Many kitchens aren’t suitable for those who love to cook or bake because they’re too small. Older houses especially were often designed with smaller kitchens, and in many cases, these are unsuitable for modern living. These days, many people rely on more appliances, gadgets, and other equipment. Therefore, we need space for these things. Consider removing (or moving) an internal wall to open up the space, or extend outwards. Otherwise, you could add things like glass patio doors and skylights which will improve the lighting. This will make the kitchen feel more spacious.
Create the Best Layout for the Space
Your best bet when it comes to planning out a kitchen is to work with a kitchen designer. They will let you know precisely what will and will not work. Your vision will be brought to life in a way that makes sense with their help. Experienced designers like Veejay’s Renovations can be useful. They can work with you to turn your kitchen dreams into reality and will provide a beautiful end result.
Declutter and Find the Right Storage
If you have an adequate-sized kitchen, but never seem to have enough space, clutter is most likely the problem. Spend time getting rid of things you don’t need or use. Burnt pans can go in the garbage, and old small appliances you never use can be donated. Clear room on the countertop and find good storage solutions to put other things away. Just make sure they can easily be retrieved when you need them.
Use the nooks and crannies. Things like pull-out shelving that can be installed in gaps between appliances and worktops can work wonders. Bottle racks, organizational racks, and baskets affixed to the inside of cupboard doors are a few other options. These small areas can give you new spaces to organize your items such as bottles of herbs and spices, to kitchen utensils.
Shelving is a great way to add more storage to a small kitchen too. Shelves make it possible to utilize the wall space. Open shelving is another storage idea that looks nice and is practical since it makes everything easily accessible.
Add a Pantry
One of the biggest hassles in the kitchen can be digging through cupboards to find what you need. You’ve been there; crouching down and having to reach to the back of closets. Or standing on tiptoes trying to reach an ingredient at the top; doing so is always going to disrupt you when you’re in the flow of cooking. One way you can get around this is by creating a pantry area. You could have this made as part of your kitchen, or turn a kitchen cupboard/unused corner into one. Line it with shelves, and you’ll have lots of space for jars and cans, herbs, spices, and dried ingredients. With everything labeled and organized, it’s easy to grab what you need.
By following these tips, a simple upgrade to your kitchen can make cooking fun and easy again!
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