Glow in the Dark Painting: Halloween Activity
You probably noticed from my last post on how to make Monster Chocolate Bark, that we are starting to get into the Halloween spirit. Here is another fun activity that we did with my niece and nephew, which is great for kids of all ages.
You will need:
Black Bristol Board
A Variety of Neon Paint/ Glow-in-the-Dark Paint
Note: We used Neon Paint that was found at Walmart, which was easy to work with and one Glow in the Dark Paint from a Dollar Store that was a bit difficult to use. Be sure to purchase the ones that suit your preferences!
Paint Brushes
Paint Tray Palette
Black Light
*The black light will get hot throughout the activity so be sure to explain to them to be careful. We had adults present to supervise and to hold the black light up to make it easier for the kids to see.*
This project can be a tad messy, so have the kids wear their “Art” clothes. It is fun if they wear neon colours or white- they enjoy laughing at the sight of their clothing changing colours because of the black light.
If you want, you can start by painting something on the board yourself, so the kids can see how it will turn out once they begin painting. As you can see here, my sister painted a pumpkin in the very centre and the kids continued to paint around it.
Show the kids the colours of the paint as you dispense them into the paint tray palette- my two year old nephew is getting really good at identifying colours and this was fun practice for him.
Then, the painting begins! Depending on the surface they work on, you may want to set a table cloth out- it can be hard to see the edge of the Bristol board and paint will most likely get everywhere. Whether you use brushes, or maybe do finger painting, be ready to clean their cute hands once they’re done!
The kids loved this activity and it gives you a great piece of art at the end of it- it’s a win-win!
What are your favorite Halloween activities?
If you try this, send me pictures of the art you make ([email protected]) and I can feature it on Facebook!