13 Weeks Bumpdate: The Second Trimester Women say that they start the second Trimester at different weeks. Depending on how you’re calculating your pregnancy dates, (whether it is in weeks or in months) the second trimester will begin between weeks 12 & 14. I decided to say week 13 will be the beginning of my…
Category: Parenthood
The “We’re Pregnant” April Fool’s Day Prank…
It happens every single year. April Fool’s Day comes around and somehow 1/4 of my friends are using the same day to announce their pregnancies. They get a ton of congratulatory comments full of well-wishes and then they tell everyone “Haha, we got you! We’re not actually pregnant- calm down.” I am not saying that…
Our First Ultrasound & Blood Tests
Our First Ultrasound & Blood Tests A couple of days ago, March 18th, was our first Ultrasound (photos below)! I have to say, that this is a moment I have been waiting for, not only ever since I found out I am pregnant, but ever since I was younger and realized how much I wanted…
Huggies Every Little Bottom Program
Huggies Every Little Bottom Program I’m sure I’m not alone when it comes to this. You discover that you are pregnant and after a million emotions subside a bit, you start doing research online… about everything. I was curious about which sites offered coupons, and other rewards for items that are necessary throughout pregnancy &…
Waiting For Our First Ultrasound
March 15, 2016 Our First Ultrasound is just a few days away and I can’t wait! There is no doubt that this week will go by quickly compared to waiting almost a month for our first appointment. *Update in 2022: I had written a whole post prior to the following pregnancy updates. However, none of…
My First Appointment: Most Beautiful Heartbeat
My First Appointment: The Most Beautiful Heartbeat The Night Before…. March 6, 2016 The big day is tomorrow, my first Doctor’s appointment! I haven’t been able to keep much food down. It’s hard to deal with when you’re absolutely craving something and as soon as you start making it/ see it in front of you,…
"First Comes Baby Then Comes Marriage?"
“And part of me wanted to make a stand for myself and for all the young moms out there like me who still face judgment and hostility for our unplanned pregnancies. I wanted to show that I didn’t care what people thought – that I could be pregnant, get married, and remain happy all while wearing bridal white, thankyouverymuch.”
Pregnancy Support Systems
Pregnancy Support Systems I am extremely lucky to have a supportive SO while going through this pregnancy. It means a lot to me that he is so attentive and is always making sure I am okay. I also have an amazing support system coming from the few best friends I have told. They are constantly…