It happens every single year. April Fool’s Day comes around and somehow 1/4 of my friends are using the same day to announce their pregnancies. They get a ton of congratulatory comments full of well-wishes and then they tell everyone “Haha, we got you! We’re not actually pregnant- calm down.” I am not saying that…
Category: Parenthood
Our First Ultrasound & Blood Tests
Our First Ultrasound & Blood Tests A couple of days ago, March 18th, was our first Ultrasound (photos below)! I have to say, that this is a moment I have been waiting for, not only ever since I found out I am pregnant, but ever since I was younger and realized how much I wanted…
Huggies Every Little Bottom Program
Huggies Every Little Bottom Program I’m sure I’m not alone when it comes to this. You discover that you are pregnant and after a million emotions subside a bit, you start doing research online… about everything. I was curious about which sites offered coupons, and other rewards for items that are necessary throughout pregnancy &…
Waiting For Our First Ultrasound
March 15, 2016 Our First Ultrasound is just a few days away and I can’t wait! There is no doubt that this week will go by quickly compared to waiting almost a month for our first appointment. *Update in 2022: I had written a whole post prior to the following pregnancy updates. However, none of…
My First Appointment: Most Beautiful Heartbeat
My First Appointment: The Most Beautiful Heartbeat The Night Before…. March 6, 2016 The big day is tomorrow, my first Doctor’s appointment! I haven’t been able to keep much food down. It’s hard to deal with when you’re absolutely craving something and as soon as you start making it/ see it in front of you,…
"First Comes Baby Then Comes Marriage?"
“And part of me wanted to make a stand for myself and for all the young moms out there like me who still face judgment and hostility for our unplanned pregnancies. I wanted to show that I didn’t care what people thought – that I could be pregnant, get married, and remain happy all while wearing bridal white, thankyouverymuch.”
Pregnancy Support Systems
Pregnancy Support Systems I am extremely lucky to have a supportive SO while going through this pregnancy. It means a lot to me that he is so attentive and is always making sure I am okay. I also have an amazing support system coming from the few best friends I have told. They are constantly…
First Trimester Part Two: Symptoms and Thoughts
Feb 23, 2016 8 week (approximate) update: I took my first “bumpie” and sent it to my family. One photo, in particular, has inspired the announcement idea for when the time is right. So exciting! I am still freaking out a bit about whether or not everything is going okay. There’s a constant need for…