What’s In Our Hospital Bags Here we are, Week 38! At my 35th Week appointment, my Doctor told me I had a week or two max to have our hospital bags ready since you just never know when the little one will want to make his arrival. This both excited and slightly frightened me- was…
Category: Parenthood
Week 35 Bumpdate: Already?!
Over a Month of Updates! It has been quite some time since I have given any pregnancy updates- over a month in fact! My apologies for being so quiet since week 28- things have been quite busy! I am now 35 weeks pregnant- and I had an OB appointment today. Before I talk about that,…
Pregnancy Savior: The Birthing Ball
There’s a long list of things people tell you to buy to help make your pregnancy a comfortable one. Some you may find extremely useful, others, well- they’re more of a “fun purchase”. When it comes to the items that I, personally, found helped me stay comfortable during my pregnancy (so far), the list includes…
28 Week Bumpdate: Moving Fun & More
28 Week Bumpdate: Moving Fun & More Ouf- it is hot and humid in Montreal today! I have been meaning to do an update for awhile now but things have been a bit busy. It has been a few weeks since I last posted and that is because we are finally done with our move!…
A Letter to My Son Part One
A Letter to My Son Part One: The Things That Will Never Change Dear Liam, Little one, I can currently feel you moving in my tummy. You may be sleeping (since you’re not doing the acrobatic moves you usually do), I’m not sure- but I do know that right now, you are as safe as…
25 Weeks Bumpdate: The Glucose Test
25 Weeks Bumpdate: The Glucose Test I know I say this often but I really can’t understand how quickly time is passing. How am I 25 Weeks pregnant already?! Unreal. We have been busy with packing up our apartment and getting ready for the move. I honestly can’t wait for it to all be over….
21-24 Weeks Bumpdate: Viability!
21-24 Weeks Bumpdate: Viability! 6 Months Pregnant Already- Oh My Gosh. Since I last updated, we had our fourth Doctor’s appointment and it all went very smoothly. My Doctor looked at all of the measurements from the Ultrasound and everything was perfect; all of his organs are forming as they should be! The femur length…
21 Weeks Bumpdate
21 Weeks Bumpdate As I previously mentioned, I will no longer be doing weekly pregnancy updates, Many of the first trimester symptoms are gone and the other ones have become steady or unchanging. However, there are always a few things to be learned during any week of pregnancy right? Before I get into that, I…