For Christmas this year, I wanted to get my Sister something a bit different. I had numerous ideas for gifts but I also wanted to make her something. She is one of the most creative people I know and she always does such amazing crafts for us. I thought I would at least try to…
Category: Life & Style
The Sponge Suit Bikini Cleans Ocean Pollution
The Sponge Suit: The Bikini that Helps Clean Ocean Pollution While the name of the bikini isn’t too appealing, “The Sponge Suit” will be a new way for us to help clean our oceans while enjoying a swim. I first saw this bikini, thanks to “Today, consumers are demanding that businesses do more…
Leggings For Less: Fashionable and Affordable
Leggings For Less It’s no secret that leggings are simply amazingly comfortable. With the cooler weather coming our way, they are the perfect way to stay cozy and warm. Thanks to Leggings For Less, you are able to get fashionable leggings at an amazing price. They have such a great selection, that it’s hard to…
The Beauty Found in Wasted Time
The Beauty Found in Wasted Time I recently saw numerous posts that all revolved around the same theme: Wasted Time. One photo in particular, had a quote that I could greatly relate to, which stated: “I know people who feel like they’ve wasted years of their lives because of poor choices. They spent years in…
Photos from Mount Royal, Montreal
Yesterday, was my two-year “blogaversary” and to celebrate, we went to Mount Royal. I have wanted to go to this lookout for a few years now since the last time I had been there was far too long ago. I had been to the Mountain for Tam-Tams during the summer, but I had not been…
Two Year Blog Anniversary and Stats
Two Year Blog Anniversary and Stats Hello lovely readers! I hope you’re having a good week so far! Today, when I logged in to WordPress to see what new posts awaited me, I was greeted with this notification: “Happy Anniversary with! You registered on 2 years ago! Thanks for flying with us. Keep up…
Espace pour la vie: Biodôme Montreal
Espace pour la vie: Biodôme Montreal “We are all part of nature and we can help protect it.” Last week, the weather cooperated with us enough to be able to go pumpkin picking at Quinn Farm. This week however, has been rainy, windy and chilly (Hurricane/Tropical Storm Patricia) so we decided to do indoor activities….
Safety Tips for Trick or Treating on Halloween
Safety Tips for Trick or Treating on Halloween I have been too old to do any trick or treating for several years now, unfortunately. However, I have many family members and friends who have young children. I love seeing how excited the kids get almost as much as I love how cute they look…