Looking to get a nice new kitchen installed this year? It’s one of the best upgrades you’ll ever make to your home. Not only does it increase the value but it’s practical too. Here’s what you need to consider. Increase the Space you Have Many kitchens aren’t suitable for those who love to cook or…
Category: At Home
Doing a Deep Clean of Your Home? Don’t Forget These Areas!
Your home goes through a lot throughout the year! There’s all kinds of dirt and grime introduced to it on a daily basis, and even when you’re someone who cleans on a regular basis, some parts of your home get more attention than others. So let’s try and change that by doing a deep clean! …
Let Light In Your Home
Some of us are blessed with south facing gardens, or a home with massive windows. Maybe, even a geographic location that means double figure hours of sunshine every day. However, for many of us, a north-facing garden and poky little windows have to suffice. This can mean that we feel like we are at risk…
Taking Steps Towards Self-Sufficiency
Humanity has never had to face an issue quite as big as the environment before. Most people are well aware that the planet is heading down a dangerous path, and it’s plain to see that humans are at least partly, (if not fully), responsible for this. Self-sufficiency has come full circle and is once again…
Take These Steps To Enjoy Your Home To Its Fullest
In theory, the home you’re living in should be a place to relax and unwind. It should be where you enjoy life away from the stresses and pressures of the outside world. If you’re simply existing at home, and going through your usual mundane routines, then you probably aren’t enjoying your home to its fullest….
Selling Your Home In 2020? Follow This Advice
In today’s market, there are more home buyers than there are sellers. In any other industry, this would mean the consumer holds all the power. However, in the crazy world of real estate, that’s not always certain. The reason for this being, properties are always long-term investments. Therefore, buyers and sellers realize that the changing…
How to Take the Stress Out of Moving
Given how much of an achievement it is to move into a new home, it’s a little surprising to find that it ranks alongside the more stressful life events. This is something we do because we want to do it. Yet, studies have shown that it ranks alongside divorce when it comes to the stress…
How To Easily Find the Home of Your Dreams
If you want to find the home of your dreams, it’s not as impossible as it may seem. In fact, if you follow these tips then you may find that it’s just around the corner. Take everything one step at a time! Find Your Style You will be much happier if you can find a…